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The warrior belongs to a powerful and proud group. They are strong melee fighters and convince with their attacks. According to their specialisation they inflict great damage with their two-handed weapons. Skillfully they fend off the attacks of several opponents with one sword. Due to their difficult training and the selection that comes with it, the proud warrior are very vain and are admired by other people for their strength.

Fighter - abilities
Sword Prowess Increases damage
Cross Slash Strike twice in front of you
Charge Charge towards the target and deal damage upon impact
Fury Increases attack speed and movement speed
Cosmic slash Slash all enemies around with a chanceto slow enemies
Earth Split Slam the ground, a powerful strike and damage everything in front of you
Vindicator - abilities
Stone Skin Increases damage
Soul Slash Strike all enemies in front of you
Breaker Strike your enemies in front of you in greater distance
Smite Stomp the ground and deal AOE damage with a chance to stun enemies
Raging Flame Swing your sword and send flames towards your enemey
Inner Strength Focus your energy and deal damage to enemies around you
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  • Zuletzt geändert: 2021/03/15 11:27
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