Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
text text text text text text
Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
@lightgreen:Span | ||
@#6495ed:Ligne 1 | Oui | Oui, à valider |
Ligne 2 | Oui | @orange: Oui |
@:Ligne 3 | Oui | @red:Non |
clear float classes
<WRAP clear />
Tablewidth with wrap
<WRAP tablewidth 80%> ^ table ^ is ^ | 80% | wide | </WRAP>
table | is |
80% | wide |
this is just a test, this is just a testthis is just a test,this is just a test,this is just a test,this is just a test,this is just a test,
a link that looks like a button