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How to use our Discord

  • Click on „Join | official server“

  • Select the flag that represents your language

  • You should now be able to see some channels as marked in red in the image below and chat in your language

  • Select your problem by clicking on the red marked symbols

  • Then a new chat window is opened (marked in red)

  • Now you can write down your problem (marked in red)

  • Suggestions can be posted in the channel #feature-suggestion (marked in red)

  • For this you have to use the command „?suggest“ in the #bot-spam channel (marked in red). After the command, you can write down your suggestion

  • You can now see your suggestion in the channel #feature-suggestion (marked in red)

  • menu_discord.1577637150.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2021/03/15 11:27
  • (Externe Bearbeitung)